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Library :

  1. The college library presently has more than 29482 books. These include text books and rare costly reference books and up-dated information books.
  2. The college subscribes to journals, news papers and periodicals.
  3. The college library remains open to all college staff and students from 8.30 am to 5 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 10.30 am to 5 pm on Tuesday and Thursday and 10.30 am to 2 pm on Saturday
  4. Reading : Students are allowed to use reading room for reading purposes on submission of their reading cards.
  5. Borrowing : Each student is provided with a lending Card (two for Hons. and one for General students) for borrowing books. Books can be borrowed for a period of 7 days. A fine of fifty paisa per day will be charged if books not submitted within due date. If library card is lost duplicate card will be issued on submission of Rs.3/- (Reference card) and Rs.5/- (lending card)
  6. Disregard of library rules, indiscipline and misbehavior will render students liable to be denied access to the library
  7. The college has also departmental libraries to cater to the needs of students of respective departmental students. All Hons. Students may access this library at any time subject to prior permission. In some cases they may even borrow books from the library after their final test examinations.
  8. The students may consult the library book manuals for respective departmental books and check which books are there for use.
  9. Future plans: (i) The college has already made computer catalogues for all the books in the library for students' ready-use. (ii) The college plans to install computers in the library so that a student may trace the status of a book weather that is available in the library or borrowed by someone else, how many copies of that book the library has etc. by a click of the mouse.
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